

Your TrueSource account team works with our nationwide affiliate network of skilled technicians who are experts in the core trades we’ve serviced for over 40 years. Our teams are qualified to maintain your locations and equipment throughout their entire life cycle, reducing downtime and making sure you’re operating at the lowest system cost of ownership.


When equipment breaks unexpectedly, the downtime can be time-consuming and costly—and it can have a negative affect on customer relationships, especially if the repair affects your delivery schedule.

For TrueSource customers, all it takes is one call to get your facility back up and running fast. We qualify the call and select the appropriate skill set, routing an expert affiliate technician to your facility with the parts needed to resolve the issue the first time. With less downtime, our customers have the opportunity to be more productive – and more profitable.
truesource technician working on a leveler


The best solution to avoid unexpected breaks is to prevent a problem in advance. Keep your equipment up and running and operating safely with a scheduled maintenance program. When you add a regularly scheduled preventative maintenance, you reduce the risk of downtime and optimize the asset’s life cycle.
two technicians working on a dock leveler

facilities maintenance

Serving all food & retail markets. TrueSource serves food service, retail and commercial industries with innovative, cost-effective, full-service repair and maintenance solutions that take care of our customers’ needs, 24/7.

Here are the markets we serve:

TrueSource knows how important it is to convert window shoppers to paying customers—and to move inventory off the shelves. We help ensure that your business is always looking its best, with cost-effective maintenance programs and crews available 24/7 to resolve any equipment or facility malfunction as quickly as possible.


Whether your business is located in a big city or rural area, TrueSource has you covered.

Truesource has vetted technicians nationwide.

Get In Touch With Us

By Phone & Email

For Information about partnering with TrueSource:
800-669-3667 |

By Mail

TrueSource Customer Care
2929 Expressway Drive North, STE 300B
Islandia, NY 11749

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